We represent a wide variety of clients, both in the U.S. and abroad, ranging from large corporations and universities to individual inventors. But with that said, much of our work centers on the needs of small- to mid-sized companies and start-ups in various industries. Our knowledge and experience enables us to competently handle a wide range of technologies, including but not limited to:
- medical devices
- building and construction
- sporting goods
- electronics and related accessories
- computer hardware and software
- automotive
- lighting systems and fixtures
- manufacturing
- food and beverages
- apparel
- printing
- non-invasive detection systems
- business methods
- general mechanical devices

Below are links to various databases through which you may review some representative patent, trademark, and copyright cases that we have handled. Due to session tracking protocols implemented by these databases, we are unable to provide direct links to our matters. Thus, please follow the appropriate instructions that are provided. Please also note that these databases are not necessarily exhaustive, and so may not include every matter that we have transacted.
- Click the United States Patents button above to open the USPTO Patent Database
- In the Query field, copy & paste one of the following:
LREP/"Sanders Justin G" LREP/"Sartain Jeromye V"
- Click the Search button
- NOTE: this database does not include currently pending applications, which can date back 5 years or more
- Click the International Patents button above to open the WIPO Patent Database
- In the Search for field, copy & paste one of the following:
"SANDERS, Justin G." "SARTAIN, Jeromye V."
- Click the Search button
- NOTE: this database only includes PCT applications, not national applications
- Click the Federal Trademarks button above to open the USPTO Trademark Database
- Click the Free Form Search link
- In the Search Term field, copy & paste one of the following:
- Click the Submit Query button
- Click the International Trademarks button above to open the WIPO Trademark Database
- Click the Advanced Search option on the Search tab
- In the Representative field, copy & paste one of the following:
"Justin G. Sanders" "Jeromye V. Sartain"
- Click the Search button
- NOTE: this database only includes Madrid Protocol applications, not national or Community Trademark applications
- Click the Federal Copyrights button above to open the Copyright Office Database
- In the Search for field, copy & paste one of the following:
"Justin G. Sanders" or "Justin Gregory Sanders" "Jeromye V. Sartain" or "Jeromye Vaughn Sartain"
- In the Search by list, click on Command Keyword
- Click the Begin Search button
- NOTE: this database only began including attorney information in 2008, and so does not display earlier registrations